Think about the details

Ow boy! I've been so busy moving!

Last weekend we moved the first bit of our things. We spend the whole Saturday and Sunday putting together furniture. Monday and Tuesday we moved the rest of our boxes and Wednesday we had our first night in our new place! And no, still not everything is finished! There're still a lot of boxes to unpack, things to go on the wall, a sofa that will arrive next week,... But it's fun! I can finally decorate our new home and I'm very excited!

In between all the moving I'm starting to think about details and accessories, it's quite important. These are the things that make your place a real home. Check out the pictures below for some detail inspiration.

Source: vtwonen


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About me

I'm Leen, twenty-something and born in Belgium. Lived for the past 4,5 years in China and Amsterdam and recently moved back to Antwerp! I'm an interior designer so you’ll find out more design I like, favourite brands and the things I dream about. Hope you enjoy it!

